Jul 16, 2008

pre departure meeting..

Assalamualaikum wa rahmat-ullahi wa barakatuh

at last, all of the queries about the MARA pre-departure briefing has been answered yesterday.

these are the particulars said by the MARA officer..

Pre-departure meeting
Day and date : Friday, 18th of July 2008
Time : 08.30am
Venue : Level 13, MARA headquarters
Attire : formal, with necktie!
i heard that some of our colleagues didnt received the phone calls by MARA. please spread this news to your closest friends to ensure that everyone has acknowledged it.

by the way, we will be getting thousands of RM $$$$$. so my advice, SIMPAN DUIT BTOL2! do not careless. esp. the travellers' cheque. hilang duit tu, tak makan 3 bulan la jawapnye huhu.

meet you all there, insyaallah.


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